TTMT Video

TTMT 4-2-19 – Trinkets and pants

Still Tuesday with over an hour to go!

10 thoughts on “TTMT 4-2-19 – Trinkets and pants

    1. It took like 10 minutes to sew them together once I got them cut out. The pattern I have has sizes premie to 12 mos if I recall correctly and comes with another pattern for 18 mos. to 4 toddler. The fox pants is my test and if they don’t fit, it will be simple to adjust.


  1. Ahhh those are cute little jammies for him. My oldest was tiny like that. My middle one weight at 1 as much as the older one did at 3. That’s ok Flash is a cute little peanut.

    The Trinkets are so fast and easy compared our fandom quilts. Jumping in late doesn’t really matter one this one,

    Happy Crafting. Enjoy the sun and warm weather at the snow yesterday.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yay you are doing the Trinket blocks! You’re speeding along with them… isn’t it nice doing something simple and easy like that?!

    The pjs for Mr G are super cute! I hope they fit!


    1. I’m kind of enjoying the trinkets patterns, so easy and a great way to get rid of some scraps. I have no idea what I’m going to do with them though.


  3. You are catching up on the trinkets a long. And what adorable pants!!! I want to make myself some pants! lol

    My birthday is in October. It’s the Lovely PRINCESS AMBER that has an April birthday along with Jennifer.


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