TTMT Video

TTMT #501 – Gifts!

Swap sign-ups are closed. Let me know TODAY if you missed it. I hope to have all information sent to swappers tomorrow!

Yes, I did find that pin before I gifted the fleece blanket! 😉


12 thoughts on “TTMT #501 – Gifts!

  1. The wishes and dreams bag made me tear up a little bit. Such an amazingly sweet idea.

    I obviously didn’t get a December video done, so you can of course take my name off the swap list. I still hope to make a video again….sometime. *sigh*


  2. Those cookie ornaments are just PRECIOUS! I’m not a big fan of gingerbread, but really really like gingerbread houses and gingerbread people (the paper/fabric kind).
    That is the sweetest bag for her stars! I had painted murals on our old house’s walls (partying M&M Guys and Pooh/Piglet). I took photos of them and made really beautiful scrapbook pages before they were painted over…and then the scrapbooks were lost to others in the divorce. Good memories, though.
    I used to make fleece tied blankets. Never thought of using the serger. Those are beautiful.
    I still use your She-Shirt method all the time. I often don’t even look at the sizes on shirts at Goodwill. My girls have many She-Shirts from when they lived with me.
    I’m SOOOOO excited about your new longarm!!! I’ve been saving for one for YEARS and don’t have enough for the one I want. Of course, I have one sitting in my barn in Minnesota that I don’t like (because I want the computerized one), so some of my longing is self-inflicted. I need to sell the one at the farm and put that toward the one I want.
    I am still arguing with Craftsy, and they are just so difficult. Yesterday they actually asked for a screenshot of an email they sent me because they didn’t believe I received it. Grrrrr.
    Happy New Year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I love making Christmas ornaments and I have had such a good time making them on my embroidery machine! It used to be an all day affair involving my kids, but now that they are grown, I do what I want. 😛

      I’ve got photos of all the murals, just in case. And, of course, I’ve recorded in there and there are tons of random pictures from when it was still her room.

      The Q’Nique can be computerized but I have no idea if I will ever add that. I love free motion quilting so much, I just zen out when I do it! It does have a stitch regulator and while I never thought I needed one, I am convert now! I love the Grace products because you can build what you have a little at a time or all at one go. I had hoped to add a midarm eventually and now I have. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Stars and cookies and blankets – oh my! Beautiful gifties.
    I must say I teared up a but myself when you were talking about the stars and that beautiful bag.
    And I am going to have to make some of those ornaments for next Christmas. My 770 will be going to the shop next month for repair/tune up/adjustment — whatever it takes to get it back to humming.
    The fleece blankets are great for the new fellows in your lives.
    And it looks like your new toy is getting broken in nicely. Congrats on that!
    I am so looking forward to the swap and especially the Star Trek row along. The ST quilt will be for my hubby – a huge fan since the original show came on. Did I tell you that he named our oldest son after a Star Trek character who was mentioned on the show, but was never actually on it? I don’t know how I’m going to keep what I’m working on a secret but I’m going to try.


    1. Those stars sure caused a lot of tears! She and I are both very sentimental and she “got” it so to speak. My poor hubby was stuck explaining to everyone around us why we were suddenly balling!!

      Thinking good thoughts for your 770!!

      You didn’t tell me about your Star Trek kiddo! My own G was almost named after a DS9 character. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Lots of great handmade gifts! I really like those ornaments – they look super cute.

    Woohoo to the new sewing toy! That looks like it’ll be a nice set-up for you.

    That whole Craftsy mess. Ugh. What a mess.

    So the swap… I couldn’t make a decision! Which I guess was a decision in it’s own way. If you’ve got weird numbers and it’d really help you out to have another person join, I think I’d join. But I’m equally okay sitting out for the year.


    1. It is a mess, that’s the best way to describe it. Boo!

      The swap is sorted, but If you want in let me know today if you can and I’ll send you the info. We can just add a few more strips to the mix. Let me know!


  5. So many good things. I didn’t do a lot of crafty stuff for the holidays but who knows, maybe next year! Lots of cute things. I only put a smidgen of ornaments on the tree and they were either made by Phebe or were made by you or your kids. And a few from other crafty types. With a few sentimental engraved or “baby’s first christmas” ones thrown in for good measure. I love seeing all the memories like that on the tree.

    I am so excited about your midarm. You are going to rock that thing. Heck you already have!

    I am really looking forward to watching along the STRAL.


    1. Quilting and cooking were my crafty endeavors. My house was full of hungry young people…and a couple of middle-aged ones. 😛 I love ornaments in an unhealthy way. I could probably put three trees up if I had space. I gave some to Miss E, but she didn’t want many. She got a tree on clearance after Christmas so I may have her go through our epic collection again.

      I love my midarm. LOVE IT. I am so glad I took the plunge!!


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