TTMT Video

TTMT #658 – Finale, Starring Dipper (sewing room makeover #5)

In which I share the final touches of my sewing room makeover and some fabulous mail. Dipper voices his opinion, too!

10 thoughts on “TTMT #658 – Finale, Starring Dipper (sewing room makeover #5)

  1. It is so good to see you in your happy new sewing room with your new amazing design wall. And Dipper is totally cracking me up, lol. I also think it’s funny that both of us had our kitty in our video this week. Kizmet! Or maybe Catzmet! I am seriously thinking of making myself a new design wall, too. I can’t make one that is as large, I might do 6×6 and just start it just above the outlet so I don’t have to cut it out, lol.


    1. I’m in love with the design wall. Jeanie’s blocks ended up hanging for weeks because All The Things happened. The wall came together so fast and I just can’t wait to *really* use it.

      Dipper was locked in the room with me because he has been a bully lately. He is a big ole baby when he wants on the other side of the door!


  2. The design wall looks great. I have no wall space for a design wall. Maybe someday. The blocks Jeannie sent are great. Quilting 7 quilts this week is greater than the 5 I have done. Feels good to get some quilting done.


    1. It took a great deal of cleaning out and getting rid of to have that wall, so I very much understand. In the garage, I was using the portable design wall I built on a PVC frame. It actually worked quite well.

      The 7 quilts were quite small, but they felt good to do.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m kind of in love with how excited you are by your freshly labeled bins 😀 The whole room looks really great – you did a great job getting it how you want it and the design wall is really fantastic.

    Jeannie is such a lovely lady! Very kind of her to send those blocks for you as well! Sounds like lots of good happy mail lately in general!


  4. This has made my week. I know you have had a bad run the last couple of weeks. You are back in your zone. I am super happy you will be using the blocks! I actually made 3 quilts out of the Dr Who fabrics along with a crazy amount of small projects (towel hangers/pin cushions/etc. ) It was time to let it go. I did keep a few pieces. I really think that everyone appreciated the thread catchers (and candy) and that truly made me happy.
    7 quilts!!! That’s awesome! Your room is spectacular and those donated blocks from Francine…LOVE!!


    1. You being part of my life has been a gift, Jeanie. I meant to tell everyone we had a phone chat, but it slipped my mind until I’d turned the camera off. Thank you for bringing so much cheer during a difficult time. *hugs*


  5. Love your design wall goodness. I have zero room for a design wall in my sewing room, but I do have one in the hallway just outside the sewing room. I took a cheap flannel-backed table cloth and tacked it up on the wall with the flannel back out. Works pretty well.

    Way to go on your 7 quilts. Great way to unwind from such a stressful few weeks. Here’s hoping you got all of your bad luck for the year over with in the first few weeks!


    1. Whatever works! My design wall was a flannel backed table cloth for many, many years and they definitely get the job done!

      We’re still picking up some pieces of the last couple of months (some things I didn’t mention in video) but were getting there. ❤️


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