TTMT Video

TTMT 4 – Pot Holders and Pattern Testing

10 thoughts on “TTMT 4 – Pot Holders and Pattern Testing

  1. 30 yards! That’s a lot of fabric, but as you say, it doesn’t go bad, lol. Darn, I missed my chance to snow die today, I didn’t even think of it. Fooey!

    Basting on the toughest seams has been a lifesaver for me. When Jennifer R suggested that to me I was like, duh, what a good idea!


  2. I had a similar experience with buying a bolt of silk organza from Dharma trading co. years ago.

    Aww, look at that kitty belly! Do I spy some spotted toe beans?


  3. I just ordered three bolts of fabric for my business Corner Curve Quilts. Then I’ll get to cut it up into far quarters. I’m starting out small, but I’ve had a couple orders which is good.
    I’m looking for a knitted pattern like the potholders that you made. My mom has made some for me, but can’t find her pattern. The owl is adorable, I like how his head is turned.


  4. Wow 30 yards is a ton of fabric! I’m with Jewels. It’s always fresh and ready 😁

    I always baste those tricky seams. It saves a lot of major headaches.

    Ok I should not have laughed as hard as I did at you need to remind your students the poem belongs to (insert famous poet) not them. I found it funny because it’s not my kid or my students 🤷🏻‍♀️

    Nice wash cloth.

    Happy Crafting


  5. 32 yards is going to be a lot of fabric! As you said, though, it doesn’t go bad–you are going to be glad to have it–probably more than once lol.

    Whoops–I often move too fast through my figuring out the math and get it wrong.

    Love the reference to student plagiarism. My husband teaches community college and gets the same thing. I always wonder how teachers caught some of these things before the internet (I mean obviously you will recognize many famous Dickinson or Whitman poems, but lesser known poems or lesser known poets… Seems like it would be hard to catch those before Google).

    I love those kind of potholders. I don’t crochet anymore, but thankfully several of my family members have been kind enough to gift me a nice stack of them that I will use for years until they literally fall apart.


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