TTMT Video

TTMT #3 – Better camera and another kitty

9 thoughts on “TTMT #3 – Better camera and another kitty

  1. Thanks for introducing Oscar. He seems sweet. His story is amazing. I have spent more money on cats that I am willing to admit. I have to tell you, human children and teenagers are incredible at generating bone when needed. My oldest amazed us with that. Oscar sounds like a scoundrel….getting shot? Not the luckiest guy in the world! Tell him I got shot by a BB, and can’t imagine a pellet gun! Poor guy. You’re not suckers. It’s just love. I’ve made those tough decisions. Some cats HAVE to stay inside. And some just can’t.

    No need to apologize for missing a week. There’s no pressure here, and you simply owe us nothing. No commitment whatsoever. We’ll take what we can get and enjoy it and wish for more.

    Looking forward to see how your machine stitching goes. I would prefer that to a permapen. But, of course, my vote doesn’t count…just yours. Your blocks look GREAT! Yes, the designers of all of the Fandom in Stitches quilt-alongs and challenges are unbelievably amazing.

    I’ve seen the shirts and always thought how cute they are. Your block is adorable! I love how the little print looks like a huge batik when you make a shirt out of it. I agree that the larger one needs a larger print fabric. You actually can, absolutely, blow up a pattern on a copier and it will work fine. That’s the easiest way to enlarge a paper-pieced pattern. I think it’s a fabric choice. I always like bigger blocks for the same reason you mentioned. You can mix 6″ blocks and 12″ blocks so you can do both (and choose the size based on the fabric). That would be really cute. I would want either a “modern print” or a bigger actual batik for the larger blocks, and yes, you can mix batiks in with other fabrics without adjusting anything at all. I think that would be beautiful.

    Thanks so much for stopping by, I really enjoyed your sharing with us.


  2. Your Star Trek blocks look great. I love the Hawaiian shirts too. I have a tissue holder made like that and its fun. Wonder if the large ones would work if you increase the pieces in the accent color wider. That might make it look more like a shirt. They sort of look like a dress to me right now. The small ones a pretty adorable though.
    Glad your cat made it through all of its problems.


  3. Oscar is adorable and well worth the expense. (I can say that because I didn’t have to pay.)
    Your Star Wars blocks are great. And the shirt blocks are cute. I like the small ones but would have to make a small wall hanging instead of a large quilt.
    You just feel free to jump in whenever you can. We don’t take attendance here.


  4. The shirts do look cute! I agree with the suggestion above about widening the contrast strips – it does look a little more like a dress at the large size and that might help! Also with you about using a larger print. Anyway, I can’t imagine making enough of those to do more than maybe a wall-hanging, haha… I’d get bored making all those shirts!

    Your Star Trek blocks are looking great!


  5. Wow, Oscar has used a good number of his lives already. We had a kitty that kept getting arrested. They passed a city ordinance that cats had to be on a leash to be outside, believe it or not. That was two mayors ago. They don’t really enforce it anymore, but back then they did and Fluffy loved being outside and kept getting caught in the live traps they were baiting with tuna. Jerks. And every time they got picked up by the city they increased the fine. So the third time I bailed her out I decided it’s indoors from now on sweetheart, lol.

    the Trek blocks are looking really good. I know you say you don’t like hand work but it would probably be faster than figuring it out on the machine. However you decide to do it is up to you. Whatever works best for you.

    The shirts are cute. The bigger one does seem a little off, I think it is the fabric, you’re right.


  6. Oscar is a beauty! I am so glad he’s okay and so very loved.

    Our kitties are also 100% indoor. We had a year that included similar expensive and scary vet stories, so everyone is indoors now!

    Never worry about missing a week, we’re just happy to have you here!

    Your Star Trek progress keeps looking great!

    Yay for a friends’ sew day! I had one this weekend and it was lovely! Also, double yay for teaching a friend to paper piece!


  7. Oh my gosh that poor guy! I’m glad he is ok. We don’t t have cats as my daughter is allergic. We are dog peeps and have spent a pretty penny on them over the years. We currently only have one but have spent a lot on emergency vet bills for her. I completely understand.

    Your Star Trek blocks look good! It’s so fun to see it come together isn’t it?

    I kind of agree something about the bigger shirt looks off. The little ones are adorable. Yay to teaching your friends PPing. It’s such a fun thing to learn.

    Happy Crafting


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