TTMT Video

Totally Tula#119

8 thoughts on “Totally Tula#119

  1. Oh, the seahorse is so cute. I love the VW. What wonderful colors! Can’t wait to see the whole thing when finished. That rope pattern faux border is just perfect for the theme.
    Those towels are great gifts. Pretty bookmarks, too.
    What a thoughtful gift…a hoop wrapped in fabric? Nice!
    You’ve been very productive. Big things take time, but are usually worth it.
    Happy New Year!


  2. Hey Rainey… don’t you look nice today!

    I love that you made the Anchors Aweigh quilt! I’ve had that on a maybe-to-do pile for ages (I’ve got all three of Tula’s nautical lines), but I’ve never pulled the trigger on it—it’s so big and so much work! I imagine it must be really hard on the shoulders maneuvering that giant quilt around as you quilt! It’s going to be amazing finished, though. (And you’re right about the motherpuckers – it’ll be on the back and it’ll all crinkle in the wash and oh well. It’s going to be a big, beautiful quilt, who cares?!)


  3. Happy new year Rainey! I LOVE Tula also! I’ve got a ton of fabric, but have not been able to settle on a pattern. I have that Angela & Tula book and I should just shut my eyes and choose cause I love them all. Love your towels and can’t wait to see the finished quilt!


  4. What a fun way to finish your quilt! I do want to try embroidery on a quilt, but I’ve been too nervous to jump in. Maybe I’ll add that to my list for this year! Your rope looks fantastic, too. 🙂

    Congrats on the new machine. What a great gift!


  5. That quilt behind you on the embroidery machine is very bright and cheerful. That will be nice to have on your bed.

    Sounds like you had a nice holiday season and have lots of new things to play with this year.

    Happy New Year!


  6. I can’t wait to see that quilt when it is finished! You are so brave to embroider some of the quilting; love the seahorse pattern you are using.
    I need to buck up my courage and try that and try some free-standing lace too. The bookmark is beautiful. Very nice towels as well.


  7. Happy New Year! You got quite the gift there. That’s such a fabulous thing to get it. I haven’t done embroidery direct to a quilt before. I have only embroidered blocks. I’m not sure I’m brave enough ot try it.

    Happy Crafting! I look forward to seeing the Tula quilt finished.


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