TTMT Video

TTMT #502 – You Are Here!

2019 TTMT Swap emails went out last week! SWAPPERS – Please include your signature and location on white paper to be used for a quilt label for the swap. Thanks!

Edited to add: I’m super behind on watching videos (and lots of other things) and have a zillion tabs open to watch them all. I’m working on it, promise. ♥


19 thoughts on “TTMT #502 – You Are Here!

  1. I am in awe every time you bring out your project board. Such organization. I really like the quilt behind you. Adding in the greys makes such a big difference.


    1. Thank you! I am a very visual person and am also easily distracted by ALL THE PROJECTS so I need that project board to not forget what I want (and need!) to do.

      I can’t wait to quilt it. It’s been a very nostalgic ride to work on.


  2. Sweet Reflections looks so soothing. I really like that.
    I love the bright white on the bright blue pillow. The Monte Python was is adorable.
    Broken links are not urgent. Important and helpful, but not urgent. Take time for yourself.
    Your project board looks great. As always, it is amazing what you can get done in a year.
    Have a great week.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Before I watch your video and comment on it, I wanted to show you the message I sent to Craftsy (BluPring) when they asked why I was cancelling my subscription.

    “I do not like the way that BluPrint treated several of my favorite designers when they kicked them out with virtually no notice (1 week) during the holidays which gave them no time to research other arrangements. Badly done!”


  4. Okay, now I have watched the video. Oh my! The Sweet Reflections quilt is beyond wonderful. That made me cry a little bit. What a beautiful reminder of all the clothing you’ve made for your family.

    Your organizational skills are impressive. I started my board with the best of intentions last year but the last 4 or 5 months, I got pretty lax. I know there are a couple of quilt tops I have made that aren’t on there and maybe 1 or 2 I finished but haven’t put on there.


  5. So much goodness. Sweet Reflections is so wonderful. What a great way to preserve memories. And a beautiful quilt!

    I like keeping the project board just so I don’t forget about things that I set aside to “deal with later”. It helps to remind me of the things I still want to do for ME. And it helps remind me how much I actually do get done, even without it containing every little project.

    I think that’s the best plan, a little fixing, a little fun. People will just have to be patient and deal.


    1. Sweet Reflections makes me so happy! I brought it to BFF retreat and then never touched it. I can’t wait to quilt it! I’ve been doodling some ideas for that. 🙂

      A little at a time is all I can do. The job for all the broken links is overwhelming.


  6. I love Sweet Reflections! It’s my very favorite kind of quilt. Little squares full of memories!

    I was terrible keeping up with my board. I really need to rearrange my space but I sort of need to wait and see where things are going first. So once I know more I may give it more energy. I just didn’t have a good location to keep my eye on it.

    I have no where near the volume of fixing to do regarding Craftsy. I still decided it was only getting so much of my time. People can find me if they need something and I am slowing getting it done. It’s just one to many things the to do list and I need to not get overwhelmed by it.


    1. It’s my favorite kind of quilt, too! It’s packed with good memories. 🙂

      The whole Craftsy debacle has really had me thinking about how much time I spend working online. I came very close to just saying “time to retire!” Instead, I’ll get to it all, one thing at a time.


  7. Wow, you’ve done a lot this year. That must feel really good. Sweet Reflections looks wonderful. I’m sure it’s really fun to look at and feel.


  8. This Craftsy situation is just so frustrating for so many people. I wonder if they’re hoping to invite everyone back once they revamp the site… they’re going to be hard pressed to get back the many designers they’ve hurt in the process.

    Anyway, it’s really lovely to see Sweet Reflections done! It’s such a nice pattern, even if it wasn’t being made with all your memory fabrics.


    1. I was told by someone who emailed them to ask that exact question that they were told that patterns could be resubmitted for “vetting” sometime in 2019. As an indie designer, I want complete control of my store. I’m not submitting for publication, I need a marketplace. I suspect they didn’t understand or even consider how much damage they were doing. If they think people who they plowed under will come back or bother to trust them after this mess, I think they are fooling themselves.

      I’m really looking forward to quilting Sweet Reflections, but I’ve got lots of doodling and thinking to do first. 🙂


      1. I can understand them wanting to control things like preventing paid patterns for copyright things – I know I saw lots of that when it was open – and I can also understand them wanting to make a little money off having the marketplace. But it was such a shitty way of going about it.

        From various things I’ve read here and there online I get the impression that Craftsy was never really profitable – they had the problem of trying to convince people to buy an endless stream of classes, which means needing more and more classes, which means paying more and more teachers and needing more and more storage etc. And trying to keep up the production of classes people would be interested in can’t have been easy. (I mean, just because I quilt doesn’t mean I want to buy all the quilting classes. I bought a handful of classes about FMQ, for example, but wouldn’t pay for classes on applique or English paper piecing or whatever.) If they had dipped into streaming earlier or started out with the class ownership being time bound (ie. for one “school year” or whatever), maybe it would have been more viable, but I’m not surprised they wound up selling themselves to NBCUniversal. And I’m not surprised NBCUniversal is doing anything they can to make money…. but damn they seem to be run by a bunch of fools.


        1. All very valid points. As an online seller, I would have been happy to pay a fee to use their platform. I’m sure there would have been some grumping about that as a change, but it would have certainly been a better alternative to (almost!) everyone being booted. Seller fees are part of the cost of doing business and I honestly expected it to happen at some point. I can’t help but wonder if they even considered that as an option! A friend of a friend who used to work there commented that it was *just* possible that this was the plan all along because all they really wanted were the customers of the indie designers. I have no idea how much truth there is in that, but if that was the plan, it must have failed spectacularly. I can’t remember the last time the craft community was so united. On another note, I did wonder what was up when they weren’t at the International Quilt Festival last year. They’d had a fairly large presence in the maker area of the festival the last few times I’d been and there was zip last year.


          1. I wonder how much gutting the sales platform has affected their traffic. I know I went there a lot if I was looking for a certain type of pattern and I won’t bother now. It was a very convenient non-etsy alternative (etsy as too much else going on – I liked that it was just patterns!) and just about anything I could dream up could be found in some variation there.

            I guess change is just about the only sure thing on the internet (besides mouthy jerks and annoying advertising).


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